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Trust AGM 2013


Very well known Exeweb poster
May 5, 2009
Avoiding the Hundred
I have been venturing down for the AGM now since i joined the trust in 2003. In later years, frankly, it's been a shambolic example of how to sit through a process where nothing gets listened to, nothing gets debated, no questions ever get answered and the motions are gone through because they have to be......For an organisation with over 3000 members, the attendance is truly shocking and it has become something of a damp squib. Oh, please...how i would love a full house, where the bull gets grabbed by the horns and it doesn't end until All questions/topics are answered to everyones satisfaction...aint going to happen though...although i'd be delighted to have a go with you Dave.
Why don't you raise some points on Saturday. Any Member has a right at the AGM to raise any point he or she wishes that is relevant to Trust matters. There is no need for a prior formal motion/proposal. Anything you raise which is not a motion on the agenda cannot be voted on but you can make your point(s).