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Sheff Wed Fans Reaction....


New member
Dec 20, 2010
Back in the day, real Yorkshiremen used to pull their nasal hairs out by hand.

In clumps.

A Blade once told me that, not a Gay one either.

Great read though Beastie Bauy. :D
Oooh you chuffer!

I see what you've done there...

Reyt...trimmers are gone, clumping it is...I waint be outdone by a Blade


Active member
Feb 21, 2005
I feel we may have an adopted Grecian a la Grimsby Les on the way!

Great read by the way.


Well-known Exeweb poster
Apr 6, 2004
There's a lot of love from us for Kingy and there always will be.

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Thanks for that. PM me the link you tried to post up and I'll happily do the honours for you.

As an aside, I remember Kingy arriving at SJP one day to be told he was making his first team debut and legging it from the ground to run home and get his boots. Amazing to consider we let him go on a free transfer because Colin Appleton didn't like the fact his missus had had a baby out of wedlock. If ExeWeb had existed back then gawd only know how long that thread would have run to.


Well-known Exeweb poster
Nov 9, 2008
Great chuffin read :)


Mar 4, 2005
East London
As an aside, perhaps Beastie can share a few memories of Phil King [who went from Exeter to Wednesday, via Torquay] with us and remains, as far as I'm aware, the only Grecian youth prodigy to get in the full England squad and play in a UEFA Cup-winning side.
King never won the UEFA Cup - unless you mean he played in a match in the UEFA Cup in which his team won? In fact, he only played a handful of games for Villa but is well remembered for that penalty against Inter Milan (similar to Tully for his pen against Oxford).

andrew p long

Very well known Exeweb poster
Jan 6, 2006
Hagley, Stourbridge
I love it mate, what's not to like?
Open ended standing terrace, it's heart of football stuff.
good stuff- one of the few benefits of slipping a division or two is getting to terraces again.

And your fellow Yorkshiremen from Leeds were very uncomplimentary about it earlier in the year. Whiff of sour grapes from some of them; they were behind virtually all game and didn't even score one.

One similarity between our clubs is that the tv media in our region is based in our rivals town. We feel the rough end of that, though we haven't quite had a ' War of the Monster Trucks ' moment yet.


Active member
Oct 4, 2010
Living in the Land of Hope and Optimism.
If it was 1968 I'm afraid it was only 3-1.
Andrew, thanks for the correction. Funny how the mind plays tricks over time isn't. I have to admit that I still like the idea of 4-1.;)

At least back then SW were a top division TEAM and Club.


Active member
Oct 4, 2010
Living in the Land of Hope and Optimism.
What a fantastic match report from the bauy Beastie. So much so I make no apologies for posting a link as, as far as I can see, no-one else has yet done so...


As an aside, perhaps Beastie can share a few memories of Phil King [who went from Exeter to Wednesday, via Torquay] with us and remains, as far as I'm aware, the only Grecian youth prodigy to get in the full England squad and play in a UEFA Cup-winning side.
Hi Beastie,
I have just got around to reading your blog. "Riveting" is the word that comes to mind. You have a talent that is worthy of a greater, far greater audience.

You are also what I believe to be a "true" football fan. You have the vision to see it how it is and accept it.

I have just watched the highlights of the match on the FL App of my I-pod. you are right we could (should?) have scored 10.

I met some of your supporters in the Red Square area before the game and they were a great bunch of blokes. I wish I could say with honesty that having travelled all that way in those atrocious conditions it would have been nice if you went home with something. To do so so would make me a liar and I refuse to be something I'm not.

Good luck for the rest of the season (except when we play you up there). As the Yanks say "Your something else"


Active member
Oct 4, 2010
Living in the Land of Hope and Optimism.
Hi Beastie,
I have just got around to reading your blog. "Riveting" is the word that comes to mind. You have a talent that is worthy of a greater, far greater audience.

You are also what I believe to be a "true" football fan. You have the vision to see it how it is and accept it.

I have just watched the highlights of the match on the FL App of my I-pod. you are right we could (should?) have scored 10.

I met some of your supporters in the Red Square area before the game and they were a great bunch of blokes. I wish I could say with honesty that having travelled all that way in those atrocious conditions it would have been nice if you went home with something. To do so so would make me a liar and I refuse to be something I'm not.

Good luck for the rest of the season (except when we play you up there). As the Yanks say "Your something else"
Sorry, I meant to finish with "You're something else."


Active member
Dec 27, 2004
I don't think that's right at all mate and I think you're reading too much into the comments from SOME Wednesday fans on that particular forum. Not all of us share that view.

We don't all view football through the same eyes and some of us had a reality check over a decade ago...some longer than that.

Most of us know why we're in this division, because we've been poorly run and playing sh*t football for a very long time, nothing else. My daughter has never known anything else but us being sh*t so she can hardly be arrogant about it. We are exactly where we deserve to be and have no right to be anywhere else. If we get out of this division this season it will be because we earned it, if not we'll be down here because others were better.

When me and the Young Un go to away games, ANY, away games, that club gets our respect and so do their fans. I loved this game yesterday, I loved the whole day, yes, including the arduous trek down there...so we got arseholed...so what? It isn't the first time and definitely won't be the last, as a footy fan you take these things on the chin...for every thumping you give one team you know there's a dozen coming your way. A lot of us have seen this coming for a while now.

Your team played well on Saturday, outplayed us by a long way and scored some belting goals. The second goal was applauded by me and several other Wednesday fans around me, what else can you do? It was good skill no matter who scored it.

We met some cracking Exeter fans Saturday, enjoyed talking to them, about footy in general, both of our clubs, expectations and all that, strange accents you lot have though ;) But that's what footy fans do when they meet in person, never mind this internet bollox, keyboard warriors and chest beating crap, we're all the same under the shirts.

I loved visiting the ground and I'll look forward to visiting again, if you count that as toadying then fair enough, it's not, it's a genuine comment.

My version of events is here...it's very, very long so if you're gonna read it all, take a week off work...

I see links aren't allowed but if you go to Owls Alive.com and click on Rambles you can read it there
That post has pretty much restored my faith in football supporters. Absolutely spot on.