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I've finished university!

angelic upstart

Very well known Exeweb poster
Jul 8, 2004
Ere Flackers lad

I just saw loads of journalism jobs, they're here :) http://www.journalism.co.uk/36/64/

Mr Jan Yeo

Well-known Exeweb poster
Apr 8, 2008
FIMDH, I was in a very similar position when I finished Uni. Its an extremely tough industry to go into at the moment, of our course that graduated in Print Journalism last year only two currently write for a newspaper!
I didn't bother with it but know of at least 2 people from my course that are working for papers. Also from Broadcast Journalism I know one that works in Cumbria as a local news presenter and someone else who is on the radio as a reporter. I didn't really keep in touch with many other people but I think that quite a few managed to have jobs lined up.

Still very tough to break into, my lack of desire to work hard is one of the reasons that I gave up trying. You've got a choice of local newspapers or moving to Bath to work for Future in the SW. It doesn't help that blogging is becoming more common and that more and more local papers seem to be merging.


Mar 8, 2004
I didn't bother with it but know of at least 2 people from my course that are working for papers. Also from Broadcast Journalism I know one that works in Cumbria as a local news presenter and someone else who is on the radio as a reporter. I didn't really keep in touch with many other people but I think that quite a few managed to have jobs lined up.

Still very tough to break into, my lack of desire to work hard is one of the reasons that I gave up trying. You've got a choice of local newspapers or moving to Bath to work for Future in the SW. It doesn't help that blogging is becoming more common and that more and more local papers seem to be merging.
Blogging paid off for me, was writing for 2/3 different sites when the club spotted me and asked me to help them out before offering me a job but I had months of endless job hunting.

It is getting worse though, had I graduated 5 years ago I think my prospects would have been much better. Jobs are being cut everywhere and barely anyone is advertising for jobs and employing in-house instead.

Devon isn't a journalism hot-spot which doesn't help either

A377 Lad

Mar 17, 2010
The county is ours.
Paying tax does actually fill me with pride :)

I do claim every penny back though.


Well-known Exeweb poster
Feb 11, 2007
Backing our manager like I always have. Geddon Tis
I was well on course for a 2:1 in Psychology when I was finishing in 2003 but disaster struck (8 exams in 10 days and I am NOT a good crammer of revision and had to gamble what would come up, while my computer science mates had 4 exams in 2 weeks) and f*cked it. I got a 2:2. That meant I would not get through the bottleneck to achieve my dream of going down the cognitive neuroscience masters route.

I was offered a year vocational masters course in 'Analysis and Intervention of Learning Disability' a course that I was vastly underskilled to do (I was working in a class of unit/service managers and mature students with sh*tloads of experience). I passed the lot but did not pass the dissertation - I failed by 2.5% and therefore was given the mickeymouse version of the masters - the postgraduate diploma. I was so furious and gutted that I told them to put the certificate in the post, didnt even go to their gay-arse ceremony for that.

So my uni experiences were not good, but f*ck 'em. I walked into my dream job and held it for 7 years. No degree could have got me a better job than looking after Hayden. And now I'm starting a new career as a fitness instructor. Funny how life pans out!!


Well-known Exeweb poster
Jan 9, 2005
Petitions = Pathetic
Binge time, again. I'll look at that tomorrow Upstart.
