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Neil Le Milliere - Trust Election Thread


Oct 23, 2019
Many thanks to Byll for alerting me to the fact that discussion were taking place here, not being a regular (or even irregular) user of Exeweb I was unaware it was happening until this.

As always, I am happy to try to answer any questions anyone may have for me or expand on any points of interest in my manifesto which, along with the other Candidates', can be found here.

Alternatively I am available by phone (0794 661 5889), email ([email protected]), at the FECRACE bar on home matchdays, or in a pub pre-away match or in the crowd itself during the games.

The only thing I'd ask is that anyone that does have questions for me (or other candidates) on here does the courtesy of identifying themselves as, not being a regular user of this media, I am unaware of the people behind the IDs.

Cheers, Neil

To make your contact information available is a true offer to us fans that your on our side.

Grecian Max

Very well known Exeweb poster
May 6, 2005
Neil, what are your thoughts of the branding of Exeter City FC? I see the need to improve the commercial income of the Club, but could it create a wedge between the traditional football followers and the Club?

BTW. You're welcome to leave the response to this question until after the announcement tomorrow evening. ;)😉

Hants of Hampshire.
hang on..... what.......

Matt Russell

Active member
Sep 3, 2017
hang on..... what.......
Roar, roar?

David Treharne

Active member
Apr 1, 2004
Exeter, Devon
I'd welcome your views on how you think the Trust can/should continue to build on 17 years of ownership?


Oct 23, 2019
Have you ever sent a letter or email to the press like the Express & Echo, Southwest Sunday Independent or the Western Morning News or any other printed press regarding ECFC or The Trust from looking you up online your happy to comment on the Internet about The Trust & ECFC but have you ever given your views to an audience outside of Facebook Twitter so on, and have your views in print for all to see in the real world.
If so what did you get printed if not why not.


Robyn Goodall


New member
Jun 20, 2014
Thanks for this but i am disappointed you don't seem to want to reveal who you are?
You Don't seem to mention building a successful women's team ? One Club

I would like to know your views.
I do of course have an advantage over those not already on the TB as I've had the opportunity to both listen to representatives from the Women's team and support efforts to bring them into the family including sponsorship and funding as soon as it was possible. Initially the original team didn't want to become part of the club but after a turnover of those involved that position changed and they now form an important part of the whole and I'm sure they will become an even bigger part as they grow. The TB are currently taking every opportunity to support them and push for equal status as soon as this is practical.


New member
Jun 20, 2014
Question for Neil and Clive only; (for Neil's sake, I am Byll. But i think you might be shooting yourself in the foot asking people to identify themselves!)

I've seen it suggested by former trustees that although there are some sensitive issues discussed, there are also a lot of things unnecessarily restricted to only the closed part of TB meetings. (for those unaware of this, TB meetings are open to all trust members, however there is a section of the meetings to which only trustees can be present, where more sensitive issues are discussed)

Do you agree with this and if so how would you try to persuade your fellow trustees to change this culture?
Why am I shooting myself in the foot Byll? If I am prepared to put myself here to answer questions why would posters not show the same courtesy and respect and identify themselves in return?

Turning to your question I disagree that there are "a lot of things unnecessarily restricted to the closed part of TB meetings". I cannot speak for former Trustees but having been on the TB from the start (save a year) I would contend this is not the case. interesting in itself that you quote former Trustees as they are continue to be legally bound by the Code of Conduct that all trustees sign up to so should not be talking about what happened during their time on the TB. There are lots of items for discussion that can only be discussed in a confidential environment, be they commercial in confidence; of a personal nature; subject to a time factor; or are subject to FA and EFL rules. As soon as and if they fail this test then they are shared. This is all part of running a company or business, no more no less. I push for openness and transparency at every opportunity but understand this is not always possible. Interesting that you call for more openness about items of business whilst also previously mentioning people not identifying themsleves?

Cheers, Neil


New member
Jun 20, 2014
Several candidates have mentioned trying to increase engagement with fans/members and I have put questions relating to this to some of you based on statements made in your manifestos. But here’s some questions for you all.

Better member engagement is often talked about and disappointment often expressed at the lack of it. This is particularly true in relation to voting in Trust Board elections where turnout is frequently low. I believe if we as a Trust are serious about this we need to ensure we make it as easy as possible for people to engage and take part in the election process. Three years ago I was invited to participate in an election review panel and one of our recommendations to the Trust Board resulting from our review, was the introduction of an online voting facility. Our recommendations were sent to the board, who were I believe going to look further into this proposal, but I’m unaware of any progress having been made. This seems to me a very obvious and simple way to help increase engagement in elections. So my questions are:
  • Do you support this idea?
  • If elected would you try to work towards its introduction?
  • What other ways do you think members could be encouraged to take part in the election process?
Thanks for this question Byll. As you may be aware, but for those not aware, I act as the Independent Chair on a number of Election Management Groups for many other Trusts so have a wide experience of what happens elsewhere to compare to our experience at Exeter. Our Election turnouts are certainly comparable and in a lot of case better than at other Trusts so it is a common problem.

I agree that making it as easy as possible is the ideal and is something that I feel we have always taken seriously at Exeter, what can be simpler than having an envelope delivered through your door with everything you need to vote? it does sometimes come down to personal responsibility.

The introduction of an online facility is certainly a way forward but unfortunately, as things stand, there is no system endorsed by the powers that be as being secure and reliable. We are very lucky that the Devon and Exeter Returning Officer volunteers to run our elections for us and his advice is paramount with regard to this. As soon as there is a recognised/approved system I am sure we will implement it.

Interestingly I am currently running the Newcastle United Supporters Trust Election and they are using an electronic system (which they have bought and paid a lot of money for) and as I have pointed out to them you can drive a coach and horses through some of the loopholes and features with regard to ensuring it is members voting and only voting once. However even with this system where emails have gone directly into in boxes with simple click though links to vote there is currently only a 24% turn out after over a week of voting (and 19% of that was on the first day) so with only five days to go the turn out is still not great given how easy it was made for people to vote.

Cheers, Neil


New member
Jun 20, 2014
Yes. Maybe he hasn't read the Exeweb rules, where it clearly states that Exeweb is proud that it accepts anonymous posters.
Also by speaking on behalf of the other candidates (that posters should also reveal their true ID to them) is beyond the remit of the thread starter. Other candidates have quite happily replied to anonymous posters : they don't need guidance and can think for themselves.
Good luck with your campaign, though.
Thanks for this point. The fact that Exeweb is happy doesn't mean to say that I have to be. To me it is only common courtesy and a sign of respect to identify yourself when talking to someone and is one of the reasons I don't use Exeweb. However in this instance it's a choice for those posing questions and a choice for me whether I answer them. if I, and others, are to be judged on our answers isn't it only fair for those asking them to identify themselves as well?

Cheers, Neil


New member
Jun 20, 2014
Hi Neil. First of all, thanks for standing – quite a commitment
Are there any circumstances in which you would agree for the Trust to sell or cede its stake in the ownership of Exeter City – a “yes” or “no” answer please, followed by any explanation you may wish to give to explain your answer.

(my name is in my profile)
My Exeweb inexperience is showing as I can't find your name in your profile but no matter as I think I know who you are. Simple answer No. The reason is I can see no circumstances where I would want our club to be in anyone's hands/control other than the supporters who I trust as a collective voice. I have seen at first hand how well meaning owners or even good owners sell the club on and we see those clubs back in trouble with bad owners. We have experienced this ourselves and enough is enough two administrations and going within days of disappearing are things i never want to see again. if someone comes along and wants to invest in the club then fine, do it, why do you need control of it as well if all you want is success for the club?

Cheers, Neil