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Last film watched..


Well-known Exeweb poster
Aug 19, 2008
Angel of the Skies 2013 south Africa

A south African volunteer bomber captain decides he wants take his crew on a high risk daytime mission over the heart of Nazi Germany, despite the pleadings of his heavily pregnant g/f that as he was only a volunteer, he had more than done his bit, and it was time to think of his 'family' and walk away safely. A little slow to start with. and as one would almost expect, a few rather irritating stereo type's. But on balance the empathy developed for the 'English' airman made the film overall, relatively watchable. 6/10
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East Devon Clown

Active member
Feb 19, 2009
Putting the fun and the mental back into fundament
Prisoners. Slow moving and over-long, with an ending that defied belief and made me wonder why I had wasted so much time. The reason was that a good 45 minutes could have been edited out of this initially promising tale of kidnapping and American suburban weirdness. David Lynch did it better, but you already knew that.

Antony Moxey

Very well known Exeweb poster
Jun 24, 2004
Hammer of the Gods. 9th Century Viking king is mortally wounded in battle so the youngest son is despatched to find his older brother who's the rightful heir to the throne. Obivous influences from Apocalypse Now, King Arthur (the rubbish one with Ray Winstone and Keira Knightly) and even Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Load of shouting, load of roaring, load of stomping, load of blood, load of swearing, load of acting hard, load of dead enemies, load of b*ll*cks. 3/10

Convoy. Kris Kristofferson leads a bunch of disgruntled truckers who decide to air their grievances by driving from state to state without ever needing to stop for fuel chased by looney plod Ernest Borgnine. Is it a film about a song, or a song about a film - who cares, good at the time, very dated and utter ridiculous now. 4/10
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Very well known Exeweb poster
Apr 2, 2004

A very good watch although as Ant said earlier, it does lurch from one disaster to another. Even at the end and the credits roll you are left wondering how is she going to get out of there?

George Clooney.....yes a little annoying.....but overall, a good movie that I will probably watch again at some point. 8/10.
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Very well known Exeweb poster
Jul 22, 2008
Definition of stupid, knowing the truth, seeing th

A very good watch although as Ant said earlier, it does lurch from one disaster to another. Even at the end and the credits roll you are left wondering how is she going to get out of there?

George Clooney.....yes a little annoying.....but overall, a good movie that I will probably watch again at some point. 8/10.
Snap, apart from, I probably wouldn't watch it again, but enjoyed the initial experience (y)

Avening Posse

Very well known Exeweb poster
Dec 31, 2013
Dallas Buyers Club.

Man is diagnosed with AIDS and given 30 days to live. His friends and family disown him.

He's given the chance to go on a drugs trial although is told that he may receive the placebo rather than the real thing. He's not happy about that so gets some fella to smuggle some of the drugs over from Mexico. His supply runs out so he goes over there himself and ends up in hospital because of the effect it has on him. There, he meets a doctor who gives him an alternative drug which isn't licensed in the US.

He comes back to the US and starts smuggling it over. Rather than selling it to others with a similar condition, he sets up a club (the name of the film) to which they pay a membership then he gives them the drug.

Along the way he meets and befriends people that before he'd have crossed the street to avoid or kicked the **** out of because of who they were. The unlicensed drug helps him live for several years.

There's obviously a lot more to it than that, but it's a pretty darn good film. 7.5/10.
Saw it last night, very good indeed, your review says it all

Antony Moxey

Very well known Exeweb poster
Jun 24, 2004
Field of Dreams. Kevin Costner hears voices telling him to build a baseball field on his farm as the bank look to evict him and his family as they get into financial difficulties. Kevin continues his journey not knowing why, but it all comes good in the end.

Utterly fantastic piece of nonsense that you just can't help feeling good about even if you have no interest in baseball or sport at all, and even if you don't ever find out what happened to Terence Mann. No matter, it's still one of the best sports-based films ever made 9/10

Mr Jinx

Very well known Exeweb poster
Nov 28, 2006
Hangover 3.

Oh brother, what a turkey.


Mr Jinx

Very well known Exeweb poster
Nov 28, 2006
Prisoners. Slow moving and over-long, with an ending that defied belief and made me wonder why I had wasted so much time. The reason was that a good 45 minutes could have been edited out of this initially promising tale of kidnapping and American suburban weirdness. David Lynch did it better, but you already knew that.
You must be kidding. I've just watched it. Best film I've seen in a long time. I was gripped from beginning to end, with twists at every turn. Didn't see it unfolding as it did.


Mid Devon Clown

Active member
Mar 12, 2009
1 fl. ounce
The Hunger Games:Catching Fire.

Teenage girl with recognisable hairstyle becomes a figurehead for the growing rebellion against the big bad government. With help from the sappy blonde fella she sets out to destroy the Patriarchal figure, despite being technologically outgunned. The bad guy guards wear shiny white costumes. Just when all hope is lost, the plucky heros use outdated tech to exploit the only weakness in the bad guys' defences.

So, Star Wars without the explosions, wit or charm then? Pretty much.

Faithful to the book I guess, but as such an unfulfilling cinematic experience.

Plus points: improved performances compared with the first film, and good sets (built the old fashioned way!)
