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FC United 'Credit Crunch' Season Ticket

Jun 15, 2005
Just picked up this article on FC United introducing a new commercial model in selling their Season tickets.

Source: www.footballtradedirectory.com

At the start of the summer FC United of Manchester took the unprecedented step of saying to their supporters “pay however much you can afford for your Season Ticket”. On the eve of the new season the club is proud to declare the campaign a resounding success. They have hit their £125000 cash target and by passing 1000 sales, have sold more season tickets than at the same point last year.

The campaign was introduced to take account of the current recession in the knowledge that some supporters will be finding it more difficult to make ends meet.

Jules Spencer spoke on behalf of the club, “A lot of people said we were brave and ambitious to introduce such a scheme, some questioned whether we were being foolish, but we said right from the start that we trusted supporters. Why shouldn’t we? It’s their club after all”

He continued,“It’s very pleasing to hit our cash target, but the success of the campaign cannot be measured in purely monetary terms. The success of the campaign is measured by the fact that we have fulfilled our commitment to providing affordable and accessible football. And it is measured by the fact supporters have been empowered to be able to influence the future of their club”

“It has worked exactly as we’d hoped it would. Some supporters who could afford to pay a bit more than they did last year, have done. But importantly those who could not afford to pay as much as the season before have been able to renew their tickets, by paying less”

“We were the first to introduce such a scheme and it’ll be interesting to see if any other clubs follow suit”

The opening day crowd of just over 2,400 for the visit of Boston is prof enough of the success of this initiative.

ECFC '72

Active member
May 8, 2008
Laughing at the people showing their true colours
Risky strategy IMO, not something I'd want City to be introducing.