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***** 23rd March **** Your neighbours need your support - Torquay United in peril

Dartmouth red

New member
Jan 26, 2023
Torquay have always been in bed with Argyle
So it's a no from me


Dec 16, 2020
YellowMayday... You have my support for what its worth, and frankly I wonder why it has taken so long for anyone among true Torquay fans to take some form of initiative... so good on you for trying!. I hope you've got a thick skin though. Some of the folk on here appear to have short memories in regard to how it feels to have your football club stollen from under you, and long grudges in regard to people who by and large are insignificant to the bigger picture.

I have no particular affection for Torquay United and much less for Plymouth Argyle but I can empathize with you and I don't wish any ill on TUFC - frankly, I think you have suffered more than enough. It wouldn't break my heart if TUFC didn't make it but I would feel incredibly sorry for the 'genuine' fans and I wouldn't wish it on anyone... so, somehow, I will find some way to register my support and I wish you well in coming up with a sensible, well thought out and coherent plan.

May I add however, you may or may not be successful in galvanizing some level of support among City and Argyle fans, be it big or small. It will however be temporary, fleeting and for the moment. So, without wishing to teach your grandmother how to suck (gulls) eggs and feeling certain this isn't the only initiative you must be working on, what you really need to do is galvanize support among your own fanbase. One or two of us might wish you well from the sidelines but we aren't the ones who will save your club, that's for you guys to do. And good luck with that.

Radio Free Skaro

Active member
Dec 17, 2022
Firslty, aplogies for the way in which our Pre Season game against you was conducted, it was shameful and beneath us.

I have copied and pasted this from my post on our fans forum page.

Hello Grecian Army,

Well times at Torquay United are dire indeed.
Most of us fans who have followed the club through good and bad times are of the mind that our owner is overseeing a managed decline to achieve his end goal.

This is a call to the Grecians, our friendly (or not so friendly at times) rivals, but not anymore, we are light years behind you, to come along and add to the volume of protests and assist us in whatever way possible to shine a light on and draw attention to the regime in play at Plainmoor. TUFC is being stolen from the fans and the town and we need all the support we can get to protest against it. It's not about getting back in the league anymore, it's about ensuring the club exists still in the near future.
Every home game is now a protest for the long overdue sacking of Johnson, but much more of a bigger issue, Clark Osborne.

Thanks for reading.
Great post good luck Gulls
Apr 3, 2004
Not all Torquay fans are in thrall of Plymouth Argyle. I dislike “Plymouth” more than I would say I “dislike“ Exeter and their success irks me when I think of the local businesses they conned when they worked their way out of administration. At least Exeter hit rock bottom (well, not rock bottom when compared to where we are now) and I have always admired the way Exeter are run. There have been times when I’ve read these pages and sensed frustration from some fans with your ownership model but what I would give for Torquay to be run along the same sort of lines. But I wouldn’t want to see Plymouth Argyle die or be run by people who are looking to build on the ground, anymore than I wanted Ron Martin to succeed at Southend. Football needs to stand United against these parasites that think they can waltz into a community, disregard the history, heritage and memories attached to that community’s football club so they can profit on the misery. Football clubs and their grounds should be protected by covenants in the way a listed building is.

However, it took your club to almost die after Russell/Lewis for your trust to galvanise and I think that will be the same for TUFC.

While the club exists, the majority of fans will continue to go and the point was well made that even a Manchester United fan-owned club only attracts around 1/70th of the home gates, so a TUFC phoenix club, formed while the real club still exists and plays, would be lucky to attract around 50 people. It would take TUFC to die for the fanbase to transfer its allegiance to reformed club and if that was the case then I feel sure a phoenix club would be capture at least 2000 for home games.

Osborne isn’t going to give up on this until perhaps life becomes too uncomfortable for him and the more noise made about it, the more he sees the world is against him, the less likely he is going to be able to proceed with his plans.

And that’s where we hope fans of other clubs will step in and support.

TUST are now making moves to meet and plan a way forward, even if this is to initially ramp up protests but TUST is largely well meaning, thoughtful and considered people who are perhaps not natural agitators but are probably the exact type of people we’d need when it comes to picking up the pieces when it comes crashes down.

The club are suspicious of TUST anyway, so my view is that there is no point in TUST attempting to engage with them and our aim should be to rid the club of the cancer that is the Osborne/Edwards regime.

Too many people are focussed on Gary Johnson but he is more of a supporting actor in this. The real villains are Osborne and his arrogant sidekick, George Edwards.


Very well known Exeweb poster
Jun 19, 2005
Hampshire. Heart's in N Devon
Totally agree about any phoenix club GG, It would not do any good whilst TUFC is there, I said as much. Your fans need to unite, That's the first important step and take from there and also be ready if the club were to need someone to step up.


New member
Feb 10, 2024
This guy is a typical example of the apathy we are up against.

feel free to comment on his channel to try to wake him up.
Jan 3, 2024
This guy is a typical example of the apathy we are up against.

feel free to comment on his channel to try to wake him up.
A human Experiment of the insane :ROFLMAO:

Devon Red

Well-known Exeweb poster
Jun 25, 2008
This guy is a typical example of the apathy we are up against.

feel free to comment on his channel to try to wake him up.
That's 8 minutes of my life I won't get back.

Glad he enjoys losing 4-0 at home to St Albans, fair play.


Very well known Exeweb poster
Apr 1, 2004
The Travel Tavern
This guy is a typical example of the apathy we are up against.

feel free to comment on his channel to try to wake him up.
Who's Darren Johnson?
If I ever enjoy a 4 nil defeat in National League South it's time to pack it in.

Spoonz Red E

Very well known Exeweb poster
Apr 21, 2004
Comfortably mid-table
This guy is a typical example of the apathy we are up against.

feel free to comment on his channel to try to wake him up.
Wrong target.

The Torquay ownership is your target.
Go after them, build support and stay positive.
Don't let Torquay fans arguing the toss be the noise.

If you don't think the owners are invested in being Gulls don't let snack on chippy social media. :cool: