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Well-known Exeweb poster
Feb 11, 2007
Backing our manager like I always have. Geddon Tis
I never said I had a clue about what was supoosedly going on, I asked you for evidence that supporters had been banned for nothing, because you suggested that that was the case. You singularly failed to provide one instance, despite plenty of bluster and stories of threats to ban people, so perhaps you're equally as clueless as you assert that I am?
So you're effectively calling all the posters on here that have mentioned incidents that happened to them liars? Or maybe you've backpedalled so much you've smacked the back of your head on the Doble hospitality box and given yourself a concussion and simply forgot?

Antony Moxey

Very well known Exeweb poster
Jun 24, 2004
So you're effectively calling all the posters on here that have mentioned incidents that happened to them liars? Or maybe you've backpedalled so much you've smacked the back of your head on the Doble hospitality box and given yourself a concussion and simply forgot?
You can leave the petty insults elsewhere Dave, they're not needed here. As for calling people liars, I have done no such thing: not one person has provided any evidence that either they, or someone they know, has been banned for nothing, as you originally suggested. I can't recall saying that people hadn't been involved in 'incidents', merely that I was yet to read any proof that people had been banned for nothing.

Bittners a Legend

Active member
Mar 24, 2005
So you're effectively calling all the posters on here that have mentioned incidents that happened to them liars? Or maybe you've backpedalled so much you've smacked the back of your head on the Doble hospitality box and given yourself a concussion and simply forgot?
Enough of this. David you clearly posted earlier in the thread that people got banned for nothing. Moxey challenged this by asking for examples of fans that have been banned for nothing and you haven't provided him with any.

Threatening to ban somebody is not the same as banning them. Should somebody ever get banned for nothing I would expect them to appeal and prove their innocence.

Good on you for bringing attention to issues that have arisen and if the club has swept them under the carpet then shame on them. I personally have never had any issues with stewards and would suggest some people deliberately attract attention.

Asking for common sense from stewards is reasonable, but you also require common sense from fans. The rules on standing on the yellow bits is announced before every home match. If the stewards are asked to enforce it then that's life. It's no biggie.


New member
Sep 14, 2011
The stewards are definately starting to get on alot of peoples nerves at the moment, they don't do themselves any favours though.
I remember a few weeks ago, Carlisle game maybe? their mascot was infront of the bank having a bit of harmless banter and one of our "senior" jobsworths went onto the pitch and told him to go back to the other end of the pitch.
And as for the yelow steps, if half of someones little toe is even close to touching the yellow they are straight up moaning, this happenes every 5 minutes and the tools wandering up and down constantly are much more of an obstruction on the steps than a toe is.


Very well known Exeweb poster
Apr 2, 2004
You can leave the petty insults elsewhere Dave, they're not needed here. As for calling people liars, I have done no such thing: not one person has provided any evidence that either they, or someone they know, has been banned for nothing, as you originally suggested. I can't recall saying that people hadn't been involved in 'incidents', merely that I was yet to read any proof that people had been banned for nothing.
Rare thing to find one's elf in agreement with the Moxster but ol' DJ does seem to have got his knickers in a bit of a twist here.

The way I see it Stewards are a necessary evil and a fair proportion of football fans are complete knobbers, the interaction of the two will generally tend to create problems which are then exacerbated by the chronic lack of brain power on both sides.


Well-known Exeweb poster
Jun 5, 2005
There would probably be half as many problems as well though if Stewards used their common-sense, didn't make rules up as they go along, become overly petty and aggressive and generally get the fans back up. If they treated the fans with respect they may get some back. And I'm not just talking about kids here either, I've seen them threaten grown men with bans for offences that didn't even warrant a quiet word - difference is that the grown men don't stand for it as they know their rights, it ends up in a huge row, and all that is achieved is that the fans on the bank lose any professional respect for the people charged with our safety.

I don't think Jim Eastment would ever respond properly to complaints. The ones I've put in (2 of them) have both been genuine, and serious. Both swept under the carpet. Bondy didn't even get a response and I assume his was just as genuine and serious. If Eastment isn't careful in operating a full and proper complaints commission then he could one day find himself in deep water with some fan who's prepared to take things all the way and willing to see heads roll
In my time the number of stewards who were gotten rid of for poor performance was well into double figures, a number of those (from the little I found out on the gossip grapevine) were as a result of complaints. I have no idea what the ratio of complaints to sackings is, but it shows complaints are not thrown directly into the bin as you suggest.

The fact of the matter is, if they got rid of every steward who there was a complaint about we wouldn't have enough to open the ground. And since clever chaps like yourself aren't willing to do the job and the club can't afford professional security personnel this is what we are left with.

The way I see it Stewards are a necessary evil and a fair proportion of football fans are complete knobbers, the interaction of the two will generally tend to create problems which are then exacerbated by the chronic lack of brain power on both sides.
Sums it up nicely, if a little bluntly.


Well-known Exeweb poster
Jun 5, 2005
I remember a few weeks ago, Carlisle game maybe? their mascot was infront of the bank having a bit of harmless banter and one of our "senior" jobsworths went onto the pitch and told him to go back to the other end of the pitch.
Any half decent steward should have done the same in my opinion.

Krusty The Clown

New member
Mar 25, 2009
I know the person who got chucked out and banned for 'Apparently' letting off a smoke bomb at City v Argyle, which they caught the wrong person for..

Guess they were thinking "Let's ban one of them, just to intimidate the rest and stop it happening again"

Sideshow Mel informs me that he knows a person who saw the lad that was thrown out:

1. Ask two different people for a lighter;
2. Light the smoke bomb; and
3. Throw it down the steps.

Sideshow Mel wants to know if your "mate" is lying??

Anyway, take up smoking, it's good for stress..............


*goes off to set fire to, and smoke a tenner, just not inside the ground*



Jason H

Staff member
Apr 1, 2004
Hounslow, Middlesex
Any half decent steward should have done the same in my opinion.
Sorry, but while I would usually defend stewards to the hilt, as they do a thankless job for a pittance, that was very petty. I saw the incident in question and there was absolutely nothing inflammatory about the actions of the Carlisle mascot.


Very well known Exeweb poster
Mar 9, 2004
Busy knitting muesli
"Smiler" at Brentford has always been my favourite example of stewardship!
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