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How does the average fan think "THE TRUST" operates?.

Pinhoe Red x1

New member
Apr 9, 2013
Return after ex web crash
Agree, with the trust we will only be a league 2 club. They seem quite happy at our level & just allow things to tick along We need more to sustain a league 1 spot.


May 26, 2013
Errrr I forgot.
So you want a Sugar Daddy to invest serious fundage?

I'd rather try and play above our means..

I feel sorry for older Chelski and Man ****ty fans having to deal with today's 'Money' when they followed them through 'Thin'...

Pinhoe Red x1

New member
Apr 9, 2013
Return after ex web crash
Even if playing above our means, is the top half of league 2?


Active member
Apr 1, 2004
2 minute hobble from the nearest pub. Or in it.

It's been said many times before that Football Clubs have 'certain levels'. I think that Exeter City's 'level' is upper 4th at the least and a few seasons challenging in the 3rd as we have done.

Look at our hardcore support and then what support we got when we were in the 3rd and only just missed out on the Play Offs.

Even if we did a 'Yeovil' - and how the feck they have got to the Championship is totally beyond me - City would only get about 5,500 at each home game.

We will always hang about where we are or go up or down a tad - as we have done in the last 10 years!
Its been "said many times" is one of the most meaningless defeatist remarks to make. Who said?. Did he, she, they, have a meaningful grasp of what they were talking about?. Perhaps, but I bet most of them were just defeatist pessimists. Whatever, I respect that you have been honest and nailed your colours to the Status Quo. No Bull there.

That means almost certain diminishing returns as The Trust is currently failing to generate the Capital to Either improve or maintain what we already have. The outcome from that is frankly bad.

It's about time more people admitted that The Trust did an excellent job (with a helping hand from The F.A.Cup), but we now have no choice other than to be innovative and look at all options.

Don't get me wrong, I wish we did not have to re-think our options, also I accept that it isn't going to be easy. But without a full honest and open examination of them, coupled with the will to embrace change, we will just "wither on the vine".

We are a team that is located in a City that is close to being the sixtieth largest place by urban population in England & Wales. We do not have any current successful and/or historically enticing Football club neighbours to impede our development (unlike many clubs in the north or indeed London).

The choice is stark. Do we sit on our hands, tug on our ever increasingly receding forelocks. Or do we at least try to improve our lot.


May 26, 2013
Errrr I forgot.
How many Clubs are Trust run and go through the Leagues?

How many Clubs get dodgy Ruski Oil Money etc and romp the Leagues?

Answer A: none that I have heard of!

Answer B : Fulham, Swansea, Man City, Cheslki (Raised to a new level) a few more that I CBA to think about.

Of the rest? All have large fan bases like Leeds, Shef United and Wednesday, Charlton etc etc etc! Even Hull!

My point is that we will only ever get just over 5,000 EVEN if we made the Championship as the supporter base is just not there.

Give the Scum their due; when they overspent and made it to the Chamionship they actually got 18,000 into Gnome Park - City can only dream of that many at The Park - notwithstanding Sunderland and Newcastle in the FA Cup..a few years ago.
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Active member
Apr 1, 2004
2 minute hobble from the nearest pub. Or in it.
My point is that we will only ever get just over 5,000 EVEN if we made the Championship as the supporter base is just not there.
I beg to differ.

Just a handful of years ago, who would have thought that an Exeter based team that regularly attracted crowds numbered in the hundreds, a decade or so ago, would average 8,367 in 2012, This figure would undoubtedly have been higher but for their capacity. (Highest att: 10,744, Lowest att: 5,568).

Different sport I know, but it shows what can be done if you attract businessmen of a certain calibre. It's not easy to find them, but we should at least try.

grecIAN Harris

Very well known Exeweb poster
Mar 9, 2004
Back home in the village
More over, I can remember not too far back in the dim and distant past Reading weren't attracting to many too Elm Park as a perenial third/fourth tier club. Now look at them, averaging around 20k a week in a modern new ground and all because somebody decided to invest a bit of time and money into them.
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May 26, 2013
Errrr I forgot.
So, you go from Exeter City to Exeter Chiefs in the blink of an eye?

Totally different market, to be honest, and the Rise of the Chiefs was always going to happen with the larger disposable income that Farmers and the Middle Class have than the, traditionally, Working Class following City.

Greasy? You just proved that The Trust Model - whatever that is - will never, ever, work for the likes of Exeter City.

All the Trust does is keep them away from yet another Administration - just!


Active member
Apr 1, 2004
2 minute hobble from the nearest pub. Or in it.
So, you go from Exeter City to Exeter Chiefs in the blink of an eye?

Totally different market, to be honest, and the Rise of the Chiefs was always going to happen with the larger disposable income that Farmers and the Middle Class have than the, traditionally, Working Class following City.

Greasy? You just proved that The Trust Model - whatever that is - will never, ever, work for the likes of Exeter City.

All the Trust does is keep them away from yet another Administration - just!
Difficult to know where to end (much less start) here.

You ignore the fact that Rugby struggled until recent years and every salient point that I have made on this thread. Instead you come up with a "different market" soundbite. Yes that has some credence but if that market can be created from such a humble point (a few hundred supporters) the reasons why, deserve attention.

You then come up with the statement "the Chiefs was always going to happen with the larger disposable income that Farmers and the Middle Class have". That is sweeping nonsense. Without the efforts and input of key business characters that was not "always going to happen". As for the comments about "Farmers" and "the middle class", I know many who go to Rugby who are not either. I also know many who are not shoe ins for "Working class" who go to the Football. The class system is odious enough without people using it glibly to support their flawed views.

To cap it all you say "Greasy? You just proved that The Trust Model - whatever that is - will never, ever, work for the likes of Exeter City." But on page 2 of this thread say, with regard to the board members employed by The Trust;
"I'd rather spend the 100k on them than a Cureton who couldn't hit a barn door"

So firstly you say that for ECFC The Trust Model will never work, but then approve of this malfunctioning organisation spending £100k on a board of employees,

Confused?. I am by your irrational arguments.

Mind you I'd understand if you were one of those members of The Board.

Red Lion

Active member
Jan 24, 2006
In cyderspace with The Hitchers!
Difficult to know where to end (much less start) here.

You ignore the fact that Rugby struggled until recent years and every salient point that I have made on this thread. Instead you come up with a "different market" soundbite. Yes that has some credence but if that market can be created from such a humble point (a few hundred supporters) the reasons why, deserve attention.

You then come up with the statement "the Chiefs was always going to happen with the larger disposable income that Farmers and the Middle Class have". That is sweeping nonsense. Without the efforts and input of key business characters that was not "always going to happen". As for the comments about "Farmers" and "the middle class", I know many who go to Rugby who are not either. I also know many who are not shoe ins for "Working class" who go to the Football. The class system is odious enough without people using it glibly to support their flawed views.

To cap it all you say "Greasy? You just proved that The Trust Model - whatever that is - will never, ever, work for the likes of Exeter City." But on page 2 of this thread say, with regard to the board members employed by The Trust;
"I'd rather spend the 100k on them than a Cureton who couldn't hit a barn door"

So firstly you say that for ECFC The Trust Model will never work, but then approve of this malfunctioning organisation spending £100k on a board of employees,

Confused?. I am by your irrational arguments.

Mind you I'd understand if you were one of those members of The Board.
If Exeweb had a 'like' button I'd press it now for CD's post