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Getting our view across


Well-known Exeweb poster
Apr 18, 2009
Lash a load of tennis balls on the pitch to stop the game. Added bonus of hitting that goalie with some.
In a post I got as far as suggesting 100's of balloons blowing about the pitch during the Argyle game (providing it was a lost cause) with a 'Tisdale Out' written with a large felt tip pen. In the end I couldn't be arsed to send it.

Bittners a Legend

Active member
Mar 24, 2005
I suppose I'm teaching my grandmother to suck eggs as I didn't stress strongly enough the symbolic importance of the 9th minute-Stanno was a 100% guy who ran his heart out for the club and did not deserve what happened to him.
Contrast his commitment with the apparent malaise and inaction behind the scenes -in fact if the idea is taken up the Stanno song could also be sung during the 180 degree protest!
I know inertia on this thread will probably rule the day but even if just a few pick up on it others (once they understand what it means) will follow in later games both home and away.
We don't need to be beholden to the media we just need them to report on what they see i.e. the beginning of a fan protest movement.
We are gentle souls generally here in the SW so ranting and raving either in or outside the ground may not be our chosen way of doing things.
I quite strongly feel we should not use the memory of Stanno to make a protest against Tisdale.

If you wanted to do a protest such as the suggested it would be much wiser to choose a minute/number that reflects the reasons you are protesting against Tisdale, eg: 41st minute to reflect the 41 home defeats in the past five years or whatever.


Staff member
Apr 16, 2009
On hiatus.
Reading the artical in WMN today (Tuesday) Is Tisdale the wrong man to blame? Is he (reading between the lines) being held back by TAGG etc. & this policy of youth all the time when he knows he wants experience?
That's been my view for some time. Wouldn't mind reading the article, have you got a link? (I did, of course, try to find it online but their sport section seemed to be devoted to Tom Daley and Argyle).


Active member
Jul 1, 2004
East of E(xeter)den
The idea with a boycott is to send a message to the club that the money that pays inflated salaries could be seriously affected. I think what you suggest would be extremely difficult to impliment. I also dont think fans standing with their backs to the action would influence the club one bit when you've already paid your admission money to get in.
Pete the likes of Tagg, Tisdale, etc. wouldn't lose out it would be the people who do the "little" jobs the programme sellers the turnstile operators the catering etc.