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World Cup Fantasy Football/Sweepstake/Pitch In...

Last Man Standing

New member
May 23, 2010
Hi folks

As it was logistically not possible to run a basic World Cup Last Man Standing Competition we’ve decided to opt for World Cup Fantasy Football instead, but with a twist!

World Cup Fantasy League using the offical site ##URL REMOVED##/
The cost is £10 per team and everybody that enters also gets entered into the standard sweepstake!

£1 from every entrant also will get donated to Exeter City’s Pitch In Appeal.

To play you need to inform me of how you wish to pay your tenner, I in turn then will send over the league code required for the fantasy league. All you then need to do is register and join our league.

Cash prizes for the fantasy league and sweepstake will be worked out once the final number of players has been established.

We will award to Winners, Runners Up and there will also be spot prizes, again, dependant on entry numbers.

Entrants can only enter the sweepstake by taking part in the fantasy league.

Don't forget to join the facebook group to keep track of things
##URL REMOVED##/home.php?#!/pages/Last-Man-Standing/111924152152011

Looking forward to seeing you.


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Staff member
May 27, 2007
League 1

Ariel Manto

Dec 28, 2009
Good idea but I would have liked to see more than £1 going to Pitch In personally....

Last Man Standing

New member
May 23, 2010
Still plenty of time to enter this.

Going to need 32 to be able to run the sweepstake.

Get in touch if you're interested


Active member
Mar 3, 2010
If £1 only is going to Pitch in, is the whole of the other £9 going in prize money? How is this being split up as this will influence if I sign up?


Last Man Standing

New member
May 23, 2010
Just a small reminder, that with the World Cup upon us, you've until Thursday midnight to get your entries in for this & be quick because places are filling up fast!

It's really simple.

Play the world cup fantasy league online at ##URL REMOVED##/ join our league and also gain entry to our sweepstake.

Entrance is £10. £5 of that will be allocated to the fantasy league prize pot, £4 to the sweepstake prize pot, with the final £1 being donated to Exeter City's Pitch In Appeal.

I've now set our entrant limit to 32, for the purpose of the sweepstake, so the prize breakdown will be as follows.

Fantasy League:
Winner = £100
Runner Up = £50
3rd Place =£10
4th Place = Panini World Cup Sticker Album
Last Place = Wooden Spoon!

World Cup Winners = £60
Runners Up = £30
3rd Place = £10
4th Place = Panini World Cup Sticker Album
First Team out on Penalties = £15
First Team with a player Sent Off - £13

I'll notify everybody on Friday morning of the outcome of the sweepstake draw.

Please be advised that you can only enter the sweepstake by playing the fantasy league.

Payment can be in person or bank transfer.

For more information please get in touch.


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This is an effort to combat spam postings. We apologise for any inconvenience.


Active member
Mar 3, 2010
Scotty when you have failed to answer the questions posed by people (not just me) regards the £10 'entry' fee it's little wonder you haven't had much take up is it? I have had to make my own mind up as to the distribution of the £10 and that's why "i'm out" as someone once said. If all the money is going into prize money fair enough, but without you answering that point what conclusion should I draw?



Staff member
May 27, 2007
League 1
Scotty when you have failed to answer the questions posed by people (not just me) regards the £10 'entry' fee it's little wonder you haven't had much take up is it? I have had to make my own mind up as to the distribution of the £10 and that's why "i'm out" as someone once said. If all the money is going into prize money fair enough, but without you answering that point what conclusion should I draw?

Isn't that answered by this paragraph?

Entrance is £10. £5 of that will be allocated to the fantasy league prize pot, £4 to the sweepstake prize pot, with the final £1 being donated to Exeter City's Pitch In Appeal.

Last Man Standing

New member
May 23, 2010
Thanks Hants. I belived all the information and more was available and indeed backed up by my statement, for more information please get in touch.

I do wonder with some people!


Things haven't quite panned out as well as I'd hoped here and it looks like I'm going to struggle to get the 32 people required to run the sweepstake alongside the fantasy league.
I will still be running the fantasy league through the McDonalds site and anyone wishing to join up should get in touch.
the prize pot will be amended accordingly and worked out dependant on the number of entrants.

Entrance is still £10 and currently we're up to 9. I will also work out the Pitch In donation once we know the amount of entrants.

