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QPR and Norwich fixtures


Active member
Jan 10, 2005
I know of an old gentleman who has supported the city for many years who travels 50 miles each way for home games. AS he is in his early eighties he and his mates wait to see how bad the weather is before they decide to travel. He has resigned himself to the fact that he wont be going to many matchs this season. A victim of success, but sad as he and his mates were supporting the team through the bad years. As our support has a large rural following I wander how many others wont be arsed due to the hassle of geting tickets?
made even more crazy by the fact there will be plenty of empty seats at the match! the club need to rethink this ....and fast

Red Lion

Active member
Jan 24, 2006
In cyderspace with The Hitchers!
made even more crazy by the fact there will be plenty of empty seats at the match! the club need to rethink this ....and fast
I think you're right!