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Gordon Brown


Active member
Oct 23, 2006
After so many cabinet resignations, Gordon Brown SHOULD call a G.E. - Labour have lost the confidence of the country and should be taken to a vote. I don't think it makes a spot of difference to the country whether Brown stays - that's more of an internal party matter.

I hate the Sun with a fiery passion, but they are a voice of the people, and will have a lot of influence over opinion. So yes, they actually kind of do have a say.
they're the voices of idiots!!

a general election now would be stupid, why would you want the mess of that in a recession. tories aren't gonna come in and make everything rosie no matter what everyone seems to think. goverment gets blamed for everything, no-one was moaning a few years ago when everything was nice and rosey. pretty much every country is suffering, gordon aint that clever to f*ck up the global economy

Jason H

Staff member
Apr 1, 2004
Hounslow, Middlesex
pretty much every country is suffering, gordon aint that clever to f*ck up the global economy
Granted, but he did an awful lot to make our country's economic situation a heck of a lot worse than it should have been.


Very well known Exeweb poster
Apr 2, 2004
bigfatspacko_uk;776984I hate the Sun with a fiery passion said:
Unfortunately not only is it the voice of the people it also seems to encompass most of the thought processes for many.

Jason H

Staff member
Apr 1, 2004
Hounslow, Middlesex
However, does The Sun's policy influence opinion or reflect it?

They said "We're Backing Blair" only after it was obvious that they'd win a landslide.


Apr 5, 2004
Living the dream
people are listening to the media too much and blaming brown for everything.
I don't blame Brown for everything - just the monumentally stupid things he has done. Selling off large amounts of our gold reserves when the price was at an all time low. Raiding peoples pensions. Splurging on PFI. GP's contracts. Total lack of leadership.


Very well known Exeweb poster
Apr 2, 2004
However, does The Sun's policy influence opinion or reflect it?

They said "We're Backing Blair" only after it was obvious that they'd win a landslide.
You will never know Jason, the only real guide is to follow the money, where does the advertising spend of the most successful companies finish up ?

I thought they were Blaired up quite early and I would have to suggest that if they didn't secure the win for old Slippery Tone they certainly enhanced the margin of victory.


Active member
Sep 29, 2004
But I know we'll meet again, some sunny day...
they're the voices of idiots!!

a general election now would be stupid, why would you want the mess of that in a recession. tories aren't gonna come in and make everything rosie no matter what everyone seems to think. goverment gets blamed for everything, no-one was moaning a few years ago when everything was nice and rosey. pretty much every country is suffering, gordon aint that clever to f*ck up the global economy
It's the paper with the highest readership in the entire country by a long, long way. It may be the voice of idiots, but it's the voice of an awful lot of idiots.

Do you even have a simple grasp of basic economics, or is all of your knowledge based on what the media tells you? No-one expects the Tories to come in and make the recession go away, but at least the British public would have faith in their government.

Are you honestly suggesting that a general election would f*ck up the economy worse, because if so you are utterly barking. Please explain to me the logic that dictates a democratic (ie not a collapse of government, anarchy or a coup) change of control leads to a deepening of recession.

Jason H

Staff member
Apr 1, 2004
Hounslow, Middlesex
Their support was implicit for ages, but not made explicit until very late on - I remember Major replying about not having an impact at the Dog & Duck - cue BBC going to various Dogs & Ducks to find that the impact wasn't much - "We were gonna vote Blair anyway".


Well-known Exeweb poster
Apr 18, 2005
it's disappair'd
I don't blame Brown for everything - just the monumentally stupid things he has done...GP's contracts. Total lack of leadership.
For the record...

GPs' contracts were set by Patricia Hewitt while she was Health Secretary (or, at any rate, they were determined by the Civil Servants in her Department...for whose mistakes she ultimately carried the can).

Brown led the world in developing the model for coping with/responding to the global financial crisis - a model which has been more or less universally adopted (& with regards to which the Tories are in a very small minority in fundamentally opposing). Indeed, as the Telegraph (of all papers) reports, there are signs that the UK economy is set to recover much more quickly under the leadership of Brown & Darling than had previously been forecast.

City Inside-out

New member
May 22, 2009
Susan was a real talent
Personally I am not what you would call a big fan of Mr Brown, so I would not lets put it this way be that sad to see him leave his parliamentary duty. But then again I look at the other parties and I struggle to see anything better.