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Red Legion Disbanded

Grecian Max

Very well known Exeweb poster
May 6, 2005
On a thread about flags getting pinched that’s what you call a Freudian slip.

And if I may Max, for someone who claims not care what people think, you aren’t half spending a lot of time telling people you don’t care what people think.
I’m giving people context that’s all. Without conversation there is no forum Ant.

Colesman Ballz

Very well known Exeweb poster
Dec 28, 2014
I see the club have issued a statement on this. Short and sweet, but whatever the Red Legion do, if the flag is not returned it surely isnt rocket science to trace the people who broke into the ground and did this. Personally it makes not a lot of difference to me, but I think if someone broke into the ground 'out of hours' then the club should do all possible to find the people who did it. Pathetic really, and shows a sad side to football fans I think.
Given that it is now been put up for auction on social media should be a doddle to hoist them by their own petard !


Active member
Dec 27, 2004
If the banner was so important based on the Code of Honour of Ultras, then why the **** did you leave it unguarded in the Big Bank overnight? You wouldn't have done that with your wallet.

Surely it should have been guarded appropriately, as the essence of the Red Legion that you are so passionately claiming it encapsulated?


Active member
Sep 5, 2015
Sounds like a weird game of tag rugby this

John William

Well-known Exeweb poster
Dec 14, 2009
I'm with Captain Barbosa: "the Code is more what you call *guidelines* than actual *rules*."


Very well known Exeweb poster
May 9, 2010
Touring Central Java...
I'm with Captain Barbosa: "the Code is more what you call *guidelines* than actual *rules*."
I wouldn't agree with that, JW. According to Hollywood blockbuster movies you live or die by the code.

Grecian Max

Very well known Exeweb poster
May 6, 2005
If the banner was so important based on the Code of Honour of Ultras, then why the **** did you leave it unguarded in the Big Bank overnight? You wouldn't have done that with your wallet.

Surely it should have been guarded appropriately, as the essence of the Red Legion that you are so passionately claiming it encapsulated?
Snakey what has rattled you so much? You seem alright I don’t get why you’re carrying on. The Banner used to be raised and removed each game but the club wanted a new one installed permanently a few years back which didn’t impede CCTV (ironically) and with fire proof fabric etc -they also didn’t like us standing on the barrier each time to raise it up there so got affixed. There aren’t many proper groups in this country and we weren’t aware Col Utd were clues up - vs Lincoln we’d taken it down as a precaution after they tried staking materials in the away game there (and failed)

Grecian Max

Very well known Exeweb poster
May 6, 2005
Apologies I read that as Snakebites post.

It is what it is, actually hilarious how many still fancy a pop even though it’s dead :D

Jason H

Staff member
Apr 1, 2004
Hounslow, Middlesex
I know that fans in the IP or the NOG aren't going to stand up and start chanting but others in the BB could do so.
One of the downsides I found to standing on the Bank in recent years is that this seemed to die a death - while the atmosphere was often excellent (and I salute those involved), there had developed something of a "them and us" culture which stifled creativity amongst those who weren't part of the inner circle. It all became so orchestrated. I remember one time a small group (two or three) tried to start up an original (and relevant to the play) chant - something which at away games over the years would quickly catch on (I lay claim to "Sing when we're swimming" and "We've got Pneumonia" that day at St Albans, for example) - and were met with stony silence, before a short while later a rehashed chant would start which had no real bearing on what was happening on the pitch.

As someone who finds the whole "Ultras" thing rather bemusing (as mentioned in the thread the handful of "Stanley Ultras" is hilarious), I don't claim to understand "Ultra culture" and find this whole code thing rather silly. But in amongst all the funereal tones I would ask whether the people who did things under the RL banner like sing stuff will suddenly go silent now they don't have a flag? I'm sure they won't, they'll still give it gusto at matches, and I for one will be glad.


Well-known Exeweb poster
Sep 29, 2005
Campaigning for free speech
I don't know if I should be flattered.

I'm merely bemused Max, always been impressed with the effort that went into things and the atmosphere at home was certainly improved (even if some of the good older songs died as a result).
I just can't get my head around that you'd throw it all away because of some weird playground style rules about a piece of cloth. It means they've won surely, and I can't believe ultras would go down so easily. As my parents used to say to me (And I say to my kids) I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed at the reaction from the legion.

Anyway, I'm content to leave it there and not rattle on any further and wind things up more. 🍻